Our Approach
Academic mentoring:
Creating a supportive ecosystem of academic mentors and coaches across layers – school, school cluster, block, district
Teacher skilling:
Creating high-quality and motivated teachers through a practical training approach, and building teacher communities
Aligned incentives and accountability:
Creating a school system administration that protects the interest of students’ engagement and learning, vs. non-academic activities.
High-engagement classroom practice toolkit:
a set of best-practice techniques and tools, which help a teacher engage students in learning
Our Work
Who we work with
Sample Dhyanful Modules
Science of Breathing (Pranayama)
Worry, Stress & Anxiety Management
Insomnia & Sleep disorder Management
Meditation Practices For Self Awakening
Ancient Science of Mantra Mindfulness
Art of healthy eating
Holistic Yagyopathy Mindfulness
Yoga Science &Human Consciousness
Mindfulness At Work
Mindfulness in School
Mindfulness At Home